Forrest and I have been parents for two weeks now- It really feels like 2 MONTHS but thats just me- I'm not a BIG fan of detailed labor stories so I'm not going to give you every gory detail. I know, you are so disappointed right?! Here is baby's arrival in a nutshell.
At 6:00 pm on August 5 we drove to the hospital. I had a scheduled induction because little baby just didn't want to come and I was one week overdue. (just for the record, I worked out my entire pregnancy. We also walked hills and tried all the little tricks but no luck. My body just likes to suffer apparently.)
Getting ready to enter Hotel la Hospital buzz- "How can I help you?" Forrest- "Yes, can I get a room for two and a half with a king size bed and a large window with a view?" The nurse just laughed and let us in. We walk in and they knew who we were and they showed us to our room. we were pretty much the only ones there! It was crazy.
Our accommodations! The couch folds out into a bed for Forrest. (He slept in it for like 1 hour or so.) Also no window. (not that I minded)
The plan was for me to be given some medicine to help progress labor and they give it to me every 4 hours all night long and then in the morning they were going to give me pitocin. So Forrest and I were prepared for a long night. We turned on the Olympics sat back and relaxed. I was given my FIRST IV ever. Not too fun...also I think the nurse thought I was a weirdy because I was bracing myself for the needle. I really liked hearing little baby's heart beat, it was comforting. (although it got annoying at times, it got loud!) But she had a nice steady heart beat the whole time! Well it turns out that my body only needed one dose of the meds! (woohoo!) The nurse was super surprised (as was I) The contractions were getting pretty intense so they put something magical in my IV and I fell asleep. One hour later I woke up and it was GO time! They decided to let my body do its thing for a bit. Epidural please! ahhh, heaven!!!! I was able to just relax and watch captain america. I tried to sleep but nurses kept coming in. Forrest was passed out on the couch. Well, awhile later it was time to have that baby! They woke Forrest up and boy was he out of it! He kept asking me the same questions over and over so he could keep people updated....but I was kinda busy. I know why they call it Labor~ and boy! they were NOT kidding when they said your body is doomed when you have your first baby. Lucky for me my baby had a perfectly round head so that made thing easier... She wasn't tiny either-when the doctor held her up I was Shocked at how big she really was. Three hours later and 23 pounds lighter we had a beautiful baby girl. I will never forget how amazing it was to see my perfect baby girl, after all that work it paid off. Forrest and I were shocked to find out it was a baby girl, we were so sure it was a boy. For the record, I HIGHLY recommend waiting to find out what the gender is! It was so exciting for us, and it gave me some added motivation. When I heard her little cry and saw her tiny but not so tiny body I couldn't believe it! FLOOD of emotion. Her precious little cry touched my heart, I felt so much love for this little baby I thought my heart was going to explode. The fact that my epidural had worn off by this time didn't really bother me. (believe me I minded later!!) When they put her in my arms the first thing I thought of was SHEESH this girl is hefty!! And I can't believe this is MY baby. Forrest and I were so incredibly happy it was insane. Her little eyes would just stare at mine, it was so crazy that she knew who I was. I loved when she would be screaming and they hand her to me and she would stop. (oh don't worry, she screamed at me too when she was hungry)
She didn't have a bruise on her forehead I don't know why it looks like she does.
Darling baby girl didn't have a name for a couple days- then finally we named her. I present to you all
Adelaide Lee Hammeren- "Addie"
She has her daddy's nose for sure! She also looks a lot like I did when I was a new born. Except I had really straight hair and Addie has a little wave in hers. Isn't she so pretty!!! Apparently the hospital had a sudden rush of patients at about midnight and all the babies were in the NICU. So the nurses LOVED holding our hefty healthy little girl. They also loved to snuggle her when she would go to the nursery.
Our little family has grown my one and she is the sweetest little spirit!! Although I feel extremely overwhelmed and have no idea what to do with this little baby Forrest and I are so happy (even though I can get pretty cranky when I have to wake up during all hours of the night.) She is the BEST baby ever, we feel so incredibly blessed. Thank you Addie for being so perfect!!! WE LOVE YOU.
I did it! I faced one of my fears, and it was a BIG one. I just took things as they came and didn't think to much about it. Everything turned out great and I didn't need a C section! Honestly the worst part is the far!!
Hope that wasn't too gory for you all and here is a current picture of our precious baby girl. It was all worth it!
She is getting SO big SO fast!!
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