Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am 2 days late but HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE! I received a beautiful surprise at work on Monday. One Dozen Gorgeous roses! I was so surprised!! At first I thought they were for my co worker..haha take a look! I looked at them all day, and I felt so special... like a princess!!! Roses are so elegant and enchanting,  I'm the luckiest girl I found my prince!!

Thank you handsome husband! I love you SO much!

I hope you had a fantastic valentines day! It's not just about chocolates and flowers or giant fluffy teddy bears, it's taking the time you normally wouldn't to let your loved ones know how much you truly appreciate them. If you haven't found your prince yet, don't give up! He is out there but don't get so wrapped up in finding him that you push your family and friends to the sidelines. My goal is to treat everyday like valentines day- I'm going to let my loved ones know how much I really appreciate them!


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