I hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday! We had a Lazy Sunday, but to be fair we were running around all over Ogden/fruit heights/Layton area Saturday in CRAZY snow for my cousins wedding. (um...that storm was CRAZY PANTS! We couldn't see the top of the
temple and the power went out inside the temple!) ok, back to what I was originally saying. Sunday-so we usually go spend sunday evening with family either in Saratoga Springs or South Jordan. (both at least 30 min. away) and since Addie had been in her car seat pretty all day on Saturday she was not about to sit in it again. (believe me, she gave me some grief about sitting in her car seat the whole 1 min. it takes to get to church.) So we decided to just stay home in our cozy clothes and watch the snow rather then drive in it this time. One little problem, I didn't really have anything for dinner...oops! ok, I had stuff but non of it sounded good. So forrest and I decided to make french bread pizza. We usually cut the whole loaf of bread in half length wise but I wanted to try something new. So I cut them into little medallions. I was crazy nervous that it was going to be soggy and icky from the sauce since there was less bread. I put the sauce on each individual medallion and then went to get the cheese. I get it out and open the huge bag we got from sams club...I couldn't remember when...(bad sign #1) then I saw it...green fuzzies in my cheese...um, eww. Welp, so much for that. but then I remembered we had string cheese, so I strung the cheese onto the pizza, put some olives and then I went to get the pepperoni -expired- so thats a no for the pepperoni.
Popped them in the oven (on broil) warmed up some green beans and POOF! dinner was ready!
[Pizza Medallions]
Don't judge me- but they were DELICIOUS!! Forrest and I decided that this would be Super fun to make for little kids. Since we only have a baby over here we will have to wait until Addie gets older. Yes, that is ranch dressing on my green beans and yes we used paper plates.
Love it- I am totally all about the paper plates! Who wants to spend all day doing dishes? Especially on a lazy day? That ruins the fun in lazy!